

主营: 回转窑,碎石机,烘干机,煤气发生炉,选矿设备

天助网 > 商铺首页 > 新闻列表 > 河南达嘉怎么对长期不用的鄂破进行存放
第10年 |    
企业等级: 商盟会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 河南 郑州
联系卖家: 李经理 先生   
手机号码: 15515650967
公司官网: www.chinadjks.cn
公司地址: 中国郑州马寨工业区日照路与工业路向西200米


发布时间:2021-11-05 16:47:00        作者:河南达嘉矿机

Storage problems of jaw crusher

After many users in the purchase of jaw crusher, generally http://www.chinadjkj.com/product/list1/espsj.htmldo not appear any major problems, but not in the case of long-term that don not use, their performance will be a certain impact. Some can not boot, some rust affect the operation and so on. So jaw crusher store should pay attention to what matters:

One , storage location selection:

Long-term without the jaw crusher is best stored in a dry room . http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/323.htmlIf there are special circumstances require parked outside , you must select the flat ground and covered with wood , the park covered with drop cloths . In the parking space arrangement and layout should ensure that any and out of a machine are not affected by other machinery .

Second, remove the battery :

When long-term storage , remove the batteries jaw crusher .http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/312.html The battery is placed in a dry and frost place and keep the surface clean and dry, non- conductive object is placed on the battery . When the battery removed , cut off the negative cable first and then cut off the ***itive line ; must first connect the ***itive cable installation, and then connect the negative cable. Mechanical and electrical engineering systems are negative grounding, this order is to prevent short circuit caused by removable batteries. Lead-acid battery should be charged once a month.

Third, to prevent rust :

Jaw crusher before storage, should be c***idered the outer surface http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/293.htmlrust paint off the area to determine the size is way up painting or repainting the whole way with the repair , rust on the bare metal part of the best painting butter.

Fourth, the process of the engine :

Before storing jaw crusher , let go of the cooling water in the engine ,http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/285.html replace the engine oil. The new oil is usually neutral , the engine will not corrode metal parts. Diesel fuel tank filled to avoid fuel tank rust, as conditi*** permit should be added preservative. During shutdown the engine should be started once a month , so that the machinery for short distance travel , the pur***e is to lubricate the parts of the establishment of a new film , to prevent rust. It should be noted : Before starting to be filled with cooling water, cooling water should be exhausted end .

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地址:中国郑州马寨工业区日照路与工业路向西200米 主营产品:回转窑,碎石机,烘干机,煤气发生炉,选矿设备

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